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9èmes Journées thématiques de la FAERE

 Résilience écologico-économique des écosystèmes

Le GREThA, en collaboration avec l’Université de Bordeaux, le CNRS et la FAERE, organise des journées thématiques dédiées à la résilience des écosystèmes.
Ces journées FAERE prendront la forme d’un symposium pluri-disciplinaire (économistes, des écologues, des épidémiologistes et des mathématiciens) sur le concept de résilience, son analyse quantitative et sa prise en compte dans la gestion des écosystèmes.


Final program

Tuesday, April 3rd:

Room 1J (1st floor)

13h30 – 14h00    Welcome of the participants and registration 
14h00- 14h15    Opening session: L.Doyen (GREThA), F. Salanié (FAERE)

14h15-15h15    Keynote 1: Quentin Grafton (Australian National University): Towards resilient decision-making

Luc Doyen (GREThA, U. Bordeaux): A common metrics from resistance to transformative resilience

Thomas Hahn (Stockholm Resilience Centre): Insurance value into forestry

16h15-16h45      coffee break (room RE ground floor)

Stéphane Lemarié (INRA, Grenoble): How do innovation strategies impact resilience? Some illustrations from agriculture

Sebastian Villasante (University of Santiago, Spain): Tipping points and resilience of the Argentine hake fishery

Rodolphe Sabatier (INRA, Avignon): A viability-based assessment of resistance, management flexibility and engineering resilience in agroecosystems

18h15   Wine tasting (room RE, ground floor)

19h30   Dinner at the bistrot du Gabriel, 10 place de la bourse (by invitation)


Wednesday, April 4th

Room 1J (1st floor)

9h-10h   Keynote 2: Michel Loreau (CNRS, SETE, Moulis): Biodiversity of ecological systems: A new look at an old debate

Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron (GREThA, Bordeaux): Epidemiological dynamics and resilience

Eric Tromeur (IEES Paris, GREThA): Adaptive harvesting drives fishing down processes, regime shifts and resilience changes in predator-prey systems

 11h00-11h30    coffee break (room RE)

11h30-12h30 Brainstorming about resilience definition, drivers and policy

12h30-14h00  lunch (room RE)

14h00 -14h30
Didier Swingedow (EPOC, Bordeaux): Tipping point of the climate system: risk, impact and resilience strategy for society

David Shanafelt (CNRS, SETE, Moulis): The effect of the post 2001 reforms on FMD risks of the international live animal trade

Yann Kervinio (Ministère Ecologie, Paris): A note on mainstreaming ecosystem resilience in policy and economic decision making

15h30-16h00 coffee break (room RE)

16h00-17h00   Keynote 3: Stefan Baumgartner (University Freiburg, Germany): Is ecosystem resilience really an economic insurance?

17h00-18h00   Restitution of brainstorming and closure


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