Directrice de Recherche INRAE / Research director in INRAE

Université de Bordeaux
Avenue Léon Duguit, Bât. H2

Bureau H2-226

Thèmes de recherche / Research topics

  • Efficacité, productivité, compétitivité, performance, durabilité des exploitations agricoles / Farm efficiency, productivity, competitiveness, performance, sustainability
  • Décisions d’investissement des agriculteurs, décisions d’utilisation des facteurs de production (quasi-)fixes / Farmers’ investment decisions, farmers’ decisions on (quasi-)fixed input use
  • Transmission des exploitations, décisions de succession, valeur des exploitations / Farm transfer, succession decisions, farm value
  • Impact des politiques agricoles sur le comportement des agriculteurs / Impact of agricultural policies on farmers’ behaviour
  • Programme Prioritaire de Recherche “Cultiver et Protéger Autrement” / Research programme ‘Growing and Protecting Crops Differently’ financé par le gouvernement français / funded by the French Government
    Directrice Scientifique depuis 2022 / Scientific Director since 2022
  • FARM_VALUE   (“Valeur et transmission de l’exploitation agricole : regards croisés de l’économie et de la sociologie” – “Farm value and farm transfer: perspectives from economics and sociology”)
    financé par l’ANR / funded by the French National Research Agency
  • LIFT (“Low-Input Farming and Territories – Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming”)
    financé par la Commission Européenne dans le cadre du programme H2020 / funded by the European Commission within the H2020 framework
  • Bertoni, D., Cavicchioli, D., Latruffe, L. 2023. Impact of business transfer on economic performance: The case of Italian family farms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 48(2): 186-213.
  • Jeanneaux, P., Desjeux, Y., Enjolras, G., Latruffe, L. 2022. Farm valuation: A comparison of methods for French farms. Agribusiness: an International Journal, 38(4): 786-809.
  • Latruffe, L., Schwarz, G. 2023. Editors of the Special Issue on Insights into Transitions to Agroecological Farming, EuroChoices, 21(3).
  • Dakpo, K.H., Latruffe, L., Desjeux, Y., Jeanneaux, P. 2022. Modeling heterogeneous technologies in the presence of sample selection: The case of dairy farms and the adoption of agri-environmental schemes in France. Agricultural Economics, 53(3): 422-438.
  • Ait Sidhoum, A., Dakpo, K.H., Latruffe, L. 2022. Trade-offs between economic, environmental and social sustainability on farms using a latent class frontier efficiency model: evidence for Spanish crop farms. PLoS ONE, 17(1): e0261190.
  • Candemir, A., Duvaleix, S., Latruffe, L. 2021. Agricultural cooperatives and farm sustainability – A literature review. Journal of Economic Surveys, 35(4): 1118-1144.
  • Paroissien, E., Latruffe, L., Piet, L. 2021. Early exit from business, performance and neighbours’ influence: A study of farmers in France. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 48(5): 1132–1161.
  • Dakpo, K.H., Latruffe, L., Desjeux, Y., Jeanneaux, P. 2021. Latent class modelling for a robust assessment of productivity: application to French grazing livestock farms. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72(3): 760-781.
  • Femenia, F., Latruffe, L., Chavas, J.-P. 2021. Responsiveness of farm investment to price changes: An empirical study of the French crop sector. Applied Economics, 53(34): 3972-3983.